Electronic Leak Detection

Electronic Leak Detection is the most common method of non-destructive testing on flat roof systems. It works on the principal that the structural roof deck is an electrical conductor and the waterproofing membrane is an electrical insulator.

There are two typical methods employed in the testing of roof membrane, the 'wet' and 'dry' testing. We utilise the latest testing equipment fully serviced, calibrated and certified from the leading manufacturer of testing equipment in the UK.

By moving the Electronic Leak Detection equipment over the test area an experienced technician can pinpoint areas of entrapped moisture, pinholes in the material and damaged welded laps. Any defective areas discovered are marked on the roof area and also a roof plan. We can conduct a full lap test as part of our leak detection service. This is conducted to manufacturer's testing recommendations using the appropriate propriety tool.

The most common roofing membranes used in the UK are suitable for either the ‘wet’ or ‘dry’ test method to be adopted, with the notable exception of EPDM which typically contains high amounts of carbon which makes the membrane a poor electrical insulator. We would be happy to discuss your requirements and roof-build-up to confirm the suitability for testing.

All AWM Surveyor technicians undertake manufacturer training in the use of the specific testing equipment followed by extensive site-based training alongside experienced technicians so you can be assured that your testing will be performed by trained, competent and experienced personnel to the highest standard.

All AWM Surveyor services are covered by Professional Indemnity insurances of up to £2 million.Contact us